Hearts Beating to the Pulse of Love: The Threefold Rhythm of Restorative Compassion

Mar 18, 2025
9:00 - 10:00 AM PST
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Presenter: Frank Rogers, Claremont School of Theology

Dr. Frank Rogers Jr. is the Muriel Bernice Roberts Professor of Spiritual Formation and Narrative Pedagogy and the co-director of the Center for Engaged Compassion at the Claremont School of Theology. A trained spiritual director and experienced retreat leader, his work focuses on spiritual formation that is contemplative grounded, personally empowering, and socially liberative. He is the author of several books including Cradled in the Arms of Compassion: A Spiritual Journey from Trauma to Recovery; Practicing Compassion; Compassion in Practice:The Way of Jesus (and its supplemental curriculum,The Way of Radical Compassion, and The God of Shattered Glass, A Novel. He lives in southern California with his wife, Dr. Alane Daugherty, with whom he shares three young adult sons, Justin, Michael, and Sammy. With his wife, he loves to run, hike, snorkel, and follow baseball.

Hearts Beating to the Pulse of Love: The Threefold Rhythm of Restorative Compassion
Western spiritual traditions teach a way of personal and social transformation rooted in a radical understanding of threefold compassion—becoming ever more rooted in an extravagantly compassionate sacred source, cultivating a loved and alive love for ourselves, and loving our neighbors as ourselves, extending an empowered compassion not only to those who suffer but even to our enemies, those who trigger and repel us. This presentation describes this three-foldpulse of compassion, distinguishes compassion from empathy, and explains how truly restorative compassion is rooted in self-compassion—extending a radical care for every dimension of ourselves.